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A Trustee is a special or executive committee that is formed after general elections. This could be a bi law committee, traveling committee, coach selection committee, etc...  Purpose is listed below under BYLAW.


David Coppola - 2014

David has been a member of PLRSA since 1993 and has been very involved as  President, Vice President, Commisioner of Outdoor and Indoor Recreation Programs,Coach from U9 up to U18 travel teams, running our Mighty Mights program, Sergeant In Arms as well as our Red Bulls Trainer Liaison.

Dwight Nystrom - 2023

Dwight has been a member of PLRSA for 23 years and has been very involved as  President, Vice President, Coach from U9 up to U18 travel teams, running our Rec program, and much more.


Per Roberts Rule of Order (summary):

50. Boards of Managers or Directors, Boards of Trustees, Executive Committees, etc.

Committees of this class are essentially small deliberative assemblies, subordinate to the body that appoints them, with their duties and authority, and the number of their regular meetings and their quorums, defined by the parent body, or by its authority. 

It is usual to authorize the Board to appoint from its membership an Executive Committee of a specified number who shall have all the power of the Board between the meetings of the Board, just as the Board has all the power of the Society between the meetings of the Society, except that the subordinate body cannot modify any action taken by its superior. 

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